The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki

Hector Con Carne is the protagonist of Evil Con Carne and an eventual character in The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.


Role in Evil Con Carne[]

Hector Con Carne is a brain with a stomach, that used to be part of a megalomaniacal millionaire playboy with a handsome and muscular fabio-esque body who tried to take over the world, however when choosing the right mad scientist to build a doomsday machine for him he happened to pick his disguised arch enemy, Cod Commando, who then blew him up. The other mad scientist he interviewed, Major Dr. Ghastly, put his two remaining functioning organs, his brain and stomach, in containment capsules that were later installed on the body of a purple circus bear named Boskov.

While the brain of Hector is cruel and evil, the stomach is neutral and only cares about food, possessing a shrill voice. Both his brain and stomach are required to be in containers with water to prevent dehydration.

After having his "body" reconstructed, he set up a secret lair on Bunny's Island to dominate the world as well as find new body parts.

Hector Con Carne was a criminal wanted by the law because he has committed crimes of all sorts, from attempting world domination to merely breaking gumball machines. He has been in the news with the warrant for arrest and posters that offer a reward for him dead or alive.

Eventually, Hector was ruined and must sell his Bunny's Island and his army. The buyer of the island happened to have been Mandy while a television company bought the army.

Role in Billy & Mandy[]

In The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, most of his appearances are cameos. However the episode "Company Halt" was a crossover between Evil Con Carne and Billy & Mandy, and technically, the last episode of Evil Con Carne. In said episode, he steals Skarr’s swear money to buy back the army and attempts to revive the organization.


Before the explosion[]

He was a man with big muscles, strong arms and a great chin. He had black hair with a ponytail. He wore a white shirt, dark blue pants with a belt bearing the logo of his army and in the neck had a large gold necklace.

After the explosion[]

His appearance now is a pink brain with black eyes, his brain stem serving as a hand. Their other side is his own stomach, with three small wrinkles, which, in two of them are hiding two brown eyes. The stomach is also part of what appears to be the esophagus and duodenum. B

Both organs are installed in the body of Boskov.

Hector's face[]

The Hector's face remains a mystery. However, some believe that Hector's face may have resembled that of Destructicus Con Carne, his son from the future.


Hector is a Mexican jillionaire playboy with an evil urge to rule the world. Hector claims in "The Pie that Loved Me" that his main reason for wanting to rule the world is because he loves all the beauty it holds and believes that it is his right to rule over all the wonders of the world. Hector has had a desire to conquer and rule over others since he was a child, a fact that was revealed by his mother.

He usually acts as an evil overbearing tyrant who yells, insults people and bosses them around. Narcissistic and self absorbed, he often scoffs at or even ignores the ideas of Ghastly and Skarr, and commonly seen abusing or insulting his various soldiers. Despite holding himself in high regard as an evil genius, Hector rarely succeeds in his exploits, always experiencing miserable failure and humiliation. Ghastly, Skarr, and even his own mother know deep down inside that Hector is an incompetent leader and believe he is incapable of world domination.

Hector is incredibly delusional, selfish and childish, and acts overbearing if he doesn't get what he wants. He is prone to resorting to immature insults and petty behavior. For example in "Gridlocked and Loaded" Hector spends the majority of the episode complaining about being in the car for too long and not being able to sit in the passenger seat, since Ghastly already called shotgun. He is shown to make irrational and poor decisions, like in "Jealousy, Jealous Do" where he had the alligator pit swapped out for a marshmallow one instead. In "Cod vs. Hector" he is revealed to be incapable of operating a toaster.

Deep down Hector is intelligent in his own way, but this is held back by his impulsivity and lack of logic. In the events prior to the series he is shown to have enjoyed success as a wealthy crime lord. In some rare moments of the show he has proven himself to be an intimidating threat or even come somewhat close to success.

Aside his usual hateful demeanor Hector sometimes shows a soft side that shows whenever he isn't trying to take over the world, it is shown that he genuinely does care about Ghastly, General Skarr, and Boskov on rare occasions, seeing them as his friends and surrogate family. For example in the original short Hector shows remorse for his mistreatment of Boskov.

Hector also has a soft spot for his actual family as he cares deeply about his mother and wished that she would never find out about his evil life. He also cares about his beloved pet Enrique Jr. Hector has mixed feelings about his alternate reality son, Destructicus Con Carne, being a hero instead of a villain, but deep down, though he's later able to accept the fact that his son's a good guy.


Major Dr. Ghastly[]

Despite still generally treating her as poorly as he does with others, Hector is nicer to the Major Doctor than his other lackeys, likely due to her rapid production of inventions, moral support, and loyalty to his way of working, no matter how erratic his way of work may be taking them. Hector is completely oblivious to Major Doctor's romantic interest for him. In "Gridlocked and Loaded", he learned she had a crush on a co-worker, and assumed she had a crush on every member of their team, except himself, as the concept never even occurred to him. In "Teenage Idol", Molatom told him to set him up on a date with "the hot chick" on his team. Hector replied, saying "I don't have any hot chicks on my team, but you can take Ghastly instead." He still mistreats her from time to time, calling her a "fat stinky nerd" and considering her unattractive. Despite being infatuated with her boss, Ghastly is not above insulting or snapping at Hector.

Their first interaction was remembered in "Bring Me the Face of Hector Con Carne". Hector still had his body and was in search of a scientist. Ghastly auditioned and fell in love with him during her interview. Hector rejected Ghastly, seeing her life support systems as a joke, and instantly hired another woman simply because of her appearance. Ironically, Ghastly's invention almost instantly came in handy, as she would save Hector's life after he was blown up by Cod Commando, reduced to a brain and stomach.

In "The Time Hole Incident", an alternate timeline had Hector and Ghastly having a baby named Destructicus, when they were stranded on an island for 30 years.

General Skarr[]

Hector treats General Skarr with utter disregard and rudeness, targeting him with the most obnoxious insults, apathy toward his feelings and well-being, intentional physical harm, and overall disrespect. Hector often ignores Skarr's ideas and instead deals him petty tasks such as getting him snacks. Skarr has grown to loathe Hector and often fantasizes about overthrowing him and becoming the new leader of Evil Con Carne. Clearly, they have different points of view and ways of doing things, but since Hector is the superior worker, he almost always gets his way. Hector's only reason for keeping Skarr around is because he needs him for leading his army. Of course, Hector lacks absolutely any gratitude or appreciation or this. However, there are still moments where Hector and Skarr get along, as they both share the same villainous aspirations and dark sense of humor.


Hector is obligated to coexist with Boskov, since he is his current body. Hector is constantly complaining about Boskov, finding his stupidity and incivility infuriating and describes him as "disgusting" and "oafish". Unfortunately, Hector is forced to stick with him, since of all the bodies he has access to, Boskov is the least inferior of them all. He dreams of one day, finding either his own body or a more adequate body to resign in, and regularly makes attempts to do so, all of which end in failure. At the end of the pilot, Hector comes to terms with Boskov as his body, due to the bear saving his life after his new body backfired on him.


Hector has a favorable bond with Stomach, since she's the only known remain of his body, aside from himself. There is some conflict with the two, as Hector is often disgusted by not only her tendency to burp and fart, but also her grotesque physical appearance, alone. In "Gutless", Hector not only learned his spinelessness without her, but also admitted his love and appreciation for her, crying when he feared her possible death. This was the only, but also an insightful episode, to Hector and Stomach's strong and almost familial love for each other.

Cod Commando[]

Cod and Hector have been sworn enemies for longer than time has taken them back. Cod Commando is the one responsible for Hector's body blowing up, but they were still known to hate each other before then, as seen in "Bring Me the Face of Hector Con Carne". After Cod's finest hour in defeat, he continued besting him in battle, joining the do-gooder organization of SPORK and going against all of Hector's evil plans. Their first post-explosion war was in "The Smell of Vengeance", where Cod Commando foiled Hector's plans to immerse the entire world in a horrendous stench with his Stink Ray. Since then, Cod and Hector have been an ever-battling duo, wherein Cod Commando reigns triumphant pretty much every single time, with the only exceptions being times they both lose.


Hector and Estroy are rivals, both being villains bent on the same goal. The two compete for the title of the ruler of the world and their fights, usually end with them both destroying themselves worse than each other. Their wars are usually all about besting each other with their superior inventions, either that or pulling childish pranks on each other. One thing they usually do is steal each other's inventions. Hector stole from Estroy in "Search and Estroy", and the vice versa happening in "The HCCBDD". The two of them hate each other and seem to be completely against each other's standpoints, despite the fact that they both want the same thing.

Cameos in Billy & Mandy[]

  • Chicken Ball Z - At the end of the episode, Mandy buys Bunny Island from Hector for $50,000. Stomach, Boskov, Skarr, and Ghastly went with him but his henchmen stayed. She then takes control of the island and plans on using the power to take over the world.
  • The Show that Dare Not Speak Its Name - Billy watches TV, and Hector's voice is heard saying "General Skarr", what time is it? This is a quote taken directly from the episode "Gridlocked and Loaded".
  • Modern Primitives - Hector and Boskov are on the TV, as one of the many new-age things, freaking Neanderthaly out.
  • Just the Two of Pus - Hector appears in a jar.
  • Duck!- Boskov and Hector make cameos as one of the people that ended up in jail because of the titular duck. Hector comments :"I'm not even on this stupid show anymore!", a reference to the cancellation of Grim & Evil, as well as Evil Con Carne.
  • In "Billy and Mandy's Big Boogie Adventure" - When the tram runs over Boogey, Hector (along with Boskov) can be spotted as passengers.
  • Company Halt - In a crossover between the two shows, Hector travels to Endsville and begs for General Skarr to return. After much finagling, and excessive annoyance, Skarr caves in to Hector's plan to release giant rubber bands all over the world with Hector promising to kill all of Skarr's neighbors. Hector's rubber band launching machine, breaks down and crushes him. After which, the rest of the team abandons him, disclosing the fate of Evil Con Carne.
  • Billy & Mandy Moon the Moon - During the ending credits, a picture of Hector was seen on the alien brain sucking machine.
  • Beware of the Undertoad - Hector Con Carne appears blinking after being spilled out of a giant fish in an island.
  • The Grim Adventures of the KND - During the ending credits, a series of made-up crossovers between different were listed, including "Evil Camp Carne", a crossover of Evil Con Carne and Camp Lazlo. Hector's dome was seen attached to Lazlo's head.


  • Hector's full name translates translates to “Hector with meat.”
  • During the time of Grim & Evil, Grim and Hector sometimes hosted the Big Pick Show. A running gag is that they would argue over who was the star of their show and who won Big Pick 2000, to which Grim would correct him by saying it was Billy & Mandy.
  • In the video game, Hector makes a cameo along with Boskov and Stomach in the 2nd phase of “The Afterlife” as a carpet. One can distinguish the brain inside the capsule of the bear.
  • Hector and Boskov can be seen on a drawing in Underfist: Halloween Bash, during the I don't Wanna Grow up song.

