The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki

Eris is the Goddess of Discord and Chaos. Eris used to receive a large allowance from her Father ("Daddy") every month up until "The Firebird Sweet", when Eris had to get a job after being grounded and cut off by her father for consistently using "that infernal apple."


Eris is a beautiful woman who is rich in both her wealth and figure, but is also a seductress. She has long, wavy and voluminous blonde hair with dark blue eyes and a fair complexion having makeup on her facial features. She is shown to have a gap in her teeth (although in her debut episode and "Chicken Ball Z", her teeth were perfectly normal).

Her style is somewhat Greek-related, being a mythological/legendary Greek goddess. Including her white Greek dress, silver tiara, gold bracelets, and Roman-style heels.

Eris and Pain teenagers

Eris as a teenager in high school.


Eris is a divine but vindictive sadist who likes to cause all kinds of chaos and destruction. She is the keeper of the Apple of Discord, a golden apple that can transform into any shape to assist her into wreaking havoc. Billy refers to it as "the Magic Banana" (even though he identified it correctly in Causing Chaos) due to its yellow color.

Her accent and behavior are prone to sudden shifts, from a stereotypical teenage valley girl (which was shown in "To Eris Human" and described as a phase by Grim, who once had a crush on Eris) to a refined British or Transatlantic woman.


Eris appears in "Wrath of the Spider Queen", attending the same school as Grim, Velma Green, Nergal, Lord Pain and Boogey. She also has a transformation ability, where she could change into anything (even small parts such as her face).

She was also secretly the focus of "Happy Huggy Stuffy Bears" and "Chicken Ball Z", where, in the former, she a pseudonym known as Serisue, and was behind the havoc caused in the episode, planning to make the children zombies. In the latter, she transformed into a Chinese guy, and gave Mandy the chicken ball, which caused her to become a Super Sayain-like being. In both cases, Grim found out that the disguises were really Eris. This was because of an obvious fake name or talking about chaos in a matter she usually does.

She briefly dated Hoss, whom she said brought order to her chaotic life. However as the divine personification of chaos, bringing order to her caused an unnatural excess of it throughout the universe, finding that this was why he hadn't found a monster to fight in weeks, so he decided to break up with Eris (who did not take it so well).

Some chaos that Eris has caused was giving kids blue, brainwashing teddy bears, selling cereal with an Underworld species of Phoenix inside every box, turning Mandy into a fighting monster, giving away golden apples so that they would do her bidding of chaos and destroying Billy's house with giant alien zombie lobsters.

Almighty Cosmic Abilities and Powers[]

As an immortal goddess of infinite cosmic power, Eris has the power to cause chaos and discord, disorder and imbalance. She also has the ability to make her Apple of Discord shapeshift into a different form; namely ordinary objects and even food:

  • A skunk
  • A skateboard
  • A banana
  • A water bucket

While selling out her Happy Stuffy Huggy Bears, she had transformed to look like a black-haired woman with curly hair and blue glasses.




  • The name Eris means "discord" as reference the supernatural apple she wields.
  • Being spoiled by her rich father in the show may have been a pun off of her name sounding a lot like heiress, meaning a woman who inherits money from someone, usually her parents.
  • Eris's accent turning from a Valley Girl accent to a British or Transatlantic accent may be a reference to Madonna, who started speaking in a British or Transatlantic accent later on in her music career even though she's not actually from England (as Madonna is actually from Detroit, Michigan). Velma Green the Spider Queen also has a Transatlantic accent.
  • Eris is the first and only character to interact with the title card of an episode. In "Complete and Utter Chaos", the title card says "Billy Gets Dumber" at first. After a few seconds, though, Eris uses the Apple of Discord to tear down (or rather, eat) the card and replace it with the actual title card; she then proceeds to hum the rest of the music that plays during the title card sequence.
  • Originally, Eris was going to have a major role in the Underfist series. She was going to split herself into two different versions of herself: Nice Eris and Naughty Eris. Whereas Nice Eris was very kind and willing to give Hoss another chance, Naughty Eris was a complete antagonist. This never came into fruition, however, as the series never came to be.
    • Naughty and Nice Eris can be seen at the end of Underfist: Halloween Bash, alongside other ideas that were supposed to appear in the series.
  • In classical Greek mythology, Eris was the daughter of Ares (the war god) and the sister of Deimos and Phobos (the gods of fear and dread). She was also responsible for starting the Trojan War by throwing a golden apple into the middle of a banquet at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis (the future parents of Achilles).
  • Eris is called a daughter of Nyx by Hesiod but called a daughter of Zeus and Hera by Homer.
  • Eris has a dreadful habit of burping out loud.
  • Eris' debut on Billy and Mandy might have made the reason to not dub and broadcast The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy in Greece.



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