The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Wiki

Baron Von Ghoulish is a vampire, one of the worlds "Head Vampires", and the 13th member of the Von Ghoulish Clan. He has a pompadour hairstyle. In Billy and Mandy save Christmas he helped Grim and Mandy save Christmas.


In Billy and Mandy save Christmas he helped Grim and Mandy save Christmas. In Underfist Halloween Bash, he is seen coming out of a tomb only to be scared back into it by two children.


Baron Von Ghoulish has white hair, green skin, dark green lips and fangs. He wears a long black jacket with a white collar and is also wearing a necklace with a skull on it.


He is very finnicky about tidiness and organization. He always wanted to save Christmas since he was a little boy

Episode Appearances[]

